Friday, June 22, 2007

Beautiful Week

This is how my morning started. I don't think it could have started better! I took the dogs out this morning, looked down and there it was; a four leaf clover. Maybe this day will bring me some luck!

This has been a nice, relaxing week. We've had sunshiny, 80 degree weather all week long and the kids and I have spent every day at the lake. We've got these nice Alaskan tans going. Today is gray and cloudy but I don't mind after such a beautiful week.

I'm just finishing week 7 (out of 9) of my yoga challenge. I think I have decided to get my teacher certification in the spring, to teach yoga. It has changed my life in so many ways and I would like to share that with others. Meanwhile, I will spend this year in my practice and take it one step further. Wed. night was so nice outside that we walked down to the park for our yoga class and then on Thurs. morning it was only the teacher, another teacher from the studio and me at class so we did a completely silent class, meaning there was absolutely no cues given during class. It was awesome!! It felt like my own yoga practice, rather than being in a class.

So today, since it is so cloudy, I'm going to spend the day getting ready for our garage sale tomorrow. Once again, I am purging, trying to get down to just what we need and enjoy. If it is raining tomorrow that is going to screw us up but I will just reschedule for next weekend.


kelli said...

**I think I have decided to get my teacher certification in the spring, to teach yoga. It has changed my life in so many ways and I would like to share that with others.**

That's awesome Heidi! I would love to do that too :)

L. J. Lowe said...

isn't yoga wonderful :)

how's your transition to vegan going? i'm fasting right now and when i'm done i would like to stick to a vegetarian diet... eventually going completely vegan.

Ren Allen said...

Hey, while you're purging, think of me the packrat willing to take a few things off your hands.:)

There's always room for more. lol

I think you'd make a fabulous yoga teacher. Go for it!

Heather's Moving Castle said...

Might as well make some money while you're doing yoga!! How awesome!! I would take your class!! I need to get back into it. I lost a lot of weight (30 pounds) doing yoga, walking and eating healthy for a year. I have kept 20 of it off. Still trying to lose more. Love the 4 leaf clover!