Don't be fooled, he is the devil in disguise!

The DJ (Ryan) and his sidekick.
My sister and I, the fortune teller and Queen of Atlantis.

Kev's bestest buddy, Sara.
Part of the gang and Calista, er, goth cheerleader.

Sarah gets down.

Tanya, Debbie, and myself.

Martin, 80's rocker maybe? and me.
Dang! Your makeup looks great.:) Is it MACalicious?
Of course!!
Love your costume!! Were you guys in Mission Hills last night?? Tanner could have sworn he saw Kevin.
Go Martin, Go Martin! :)
How cool!!! You and your hubby remind me of people I have seen somewhere before. Hmmmmnn. It must have been somewhere in the 80s. Very funny and cute!! Thanks for the laughs.
you look quite good with long red hair! I had a similar wig for our recent "murder at the disco" gig! $4 at the grocery store - LOL
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