Thursday, October 19, 2006


Last night was one of those AhhhHaaa moments for me. Tristan was beckoning me outside where I thought him and Calista were playing football (at 10:00pm). He had actually been out there showing Calista how to shoot his BB gun. He taught her how to scope it, aim and shoot. She was hitting the cans they had set up every time. He would say, "Calista, be patient, if it takes ten minutes it is okay. Make sure you get your aim and then shoot." She would shoot and hit the cans and Tristan would say, "Good job Calista!! Isn't she good Mom?"

Now, this might not seem like such an AhhhHaaa moment for most of you but for me it was huge!! You see Calista and Tristan are the exact opposites of each other and, consequently, they get very frustrated with each other and spend an incredible amount of time bickering and criticizing. Sometimes I go to bed totally exhausted from it. So to see the two of them being so sweet and patient with each other; encouraging and cheering one another on was HUGE!!! I went to bed with a BIG ole' grin on my face!!!


Heather's Moving Castle said...

That is funny! I am truly dumbfounded by how much sibs can fight! My boys entertain each other as much as they fight. It is exhausting!

I say get another bb gun for your daugher and let them shoot cans all day! lol. Both my boys love guns too. We don't have any real ones though. Maybe one day they'll have a bb gun. I used to freak about guns but it's such a fascinating/interesting thing for boys (and girls?) to be drawn to. The more we fight it the more they want it!

May you go to bed smilin' more often!

~Heather :~)

Heather's Moving Castle said...

Your first snow huh?? How many inches? The first snow of the season is always so exciting!!

Heidi Snavley said...

Oh, just a dusting but enough to gather up for a few good snowballs. It is still hanging around 30 degrees so somewhat pleasant still. Average here is anywhere between 0 and 40, usually hanging around 20 degrees. We can also get some good rainy days which makes the road REALLY slick.

Heather said...

What a sweet moment...My boys sometimes get so irritated with Haley...but then there are times they are just so darn sweet...